The Valley Rural Utility Company will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at the Willies Sports Café Hidden Valley Lake, 19325 Schmarr Drive, Lawrenceburg, IN...
WATER MAIN BREAK: There is a water main break at 20063 Longview Drive. Water is off on the following street: Longview Drive to Lakeview Drive passed Buckeye Court to Hickory Road, Hickory Road...
WATER MAIN BREAK: There is a water main break on Alpine Drive. Customers south of Firewood Way down to Willies will be experiencing a loss of water / water pressure.
WATER MAIN BREAK: There is a water main break on Matterhorn Drive. Customers on Matterhorn Dr. and side streets connected to Matterhorn Dr. will be experiencing a loss of water / water...
WATER MAIN BREAK: Fiber Optic Boring Crews have damaged a large main line on Alpine Dr. between Lucerne Lane and Highridge Ct. customers south of this location on Alpine and all side...
WATER MAIN BREAK: Fiber Optic Boring Crews have damaged a large main line on Lakeview Dr. near Thornhill Lane / HVL Pool customers south of this location on Lakeview and all side...
Valley Rural Utility Company purchases the majority of our water from Greendale Utilities, we have Tri-Township Water Corporation as a back-up supplier.
This increase is a result of an increase in disposal fees received from the City of Greendale. The rate increase is a direct pass through and will be in effect on your next bill. The approximate...
If you have a Separate Water Meter, please make sure you call the VRUC office at 812-539-3330 or send an email to to verify the reading before you start using the meter. The...
For the most up to date information concerning the Valley Rural Utility Company, check our website at or our Facebook page at Valley...